Monday, December 01, 2008

Springs, Boxes, Controllers

Oh, my. Trying to decide between MVC frameworks, implicit invocation features, and Object Relational Mappers is enough to make your head spin. One advantage is that I am narrowed down to a language (Coldfusion) and DataBase Management Server (SQL Server), which is interesting because although normally I would probably choose something LAMP oriented, for this current project I am confined to MS/Adobe land.

Adobe devnet article on ColdFusion Frameworks:

Model-Glue vs Coldbox?

Coldspring vs Lightwire?

ORM or custom solution?

So many questions, such little time. Will choosing an ORM wall me in for the future? Is this ok? Setting out in the brave new world that is web application development. Always evolving and highly malleable. Perhaps that's why I like it.